a series about sea level rise and flooding on the coast of Maine.

Large scale paintings exploring the amorphous intersection of where water meets land. 

The paintings are inspired by that liminal space where ocean ends and earth begins. They are the moment where the water and the land collide. While I hope they serve as formally beautiful objects themselves, there’s a deeper, political reason for painting these environments one that urges viewers to confront the consequences of climate change and envision a path toward a more sustainable future.

Eventuality III

48 “ x 48”

Flashe, oil and pigment stick on stretched canvas

Halcyon III

48 “ x 60”

Flashe, oil and pigment stick on stretched canvas

Halcyon II

48 “ x 60”

Flashe, oil and pigment stick on stretched canvas

Halcyon I

48 “ x 60”

oil and pigment stick on stretched canvas

Sea Change VII

30” x 40”

oil and pigment stick on stretched canvas

Sea Change II

36” x 36”

oil and pigment stick on stretched canvas

Sea Change

30” x 40”

Flashe, oil and oil sticks on stretched canvas

Eventuality II

48” x 48”

flashe and oil on stretched canvas

Eventuality I

48” x 48”

flashe and oil on stretched canvas